Measure of Centeral Tendency and Variability class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Measure of Centeral Tendency and Variability ] .subtitle[ ## MA336 Statistics ] .author[ ### Fei Ye Department of Mathematics and Computer Science ] .date[ ### July 2022 ] --- ## Learning goals - Create and interpret boxplots as a means of summarizing non-symmetric data. - Calculate and explain the purpose of measures of centers (mean, median), variability (standard deviation, interquartile range). - Explain the impact of outliers on summary statistics such as mean, median and standard deviation. --- class: center middle # Quatiles and Boxplot --- ## Median, Quartiles, Interquartile Range and Outliers - The three **quartiles**, `\(Q_1\)`, `\(Q_2\)`, and `\(Q_3\)` are numbers in an ordered data set that divide the data set into four equal parts. The second quartile is known as the **median**. - **Interquartile Range (IQR for short)** is the measure of variation when using the median to measure center. It is defined as the difference of the third and the first quartiles: `\(\text{IQR}=Q_3-Q_1\)`. - When the center and the spread are measured by the median and the IQR, a value in the data is considered an **outlier** if the value is - less than the lower fence `\(\text{fence}_{lower}=Q_1 − 1.5 \cdot \text{IQR}\)` or - greater than the upper fence `\(\text{fence}_{upper}=Q_3 + 1.5 \cdot \text{IQR}\)`. **Note:** An outlier in this definition is also called a **mild outlier**. An outlier that is less than the extreme lower fence `\(\text{extreme fence}_{lower}=Q_1 - 3 \cdot \text{IQR}\)` or greater than the extreme upper fence `\(\text{extreme fence}_{upper}=Q_3 + 3 \cdot \text{IQR}\)` is also called **extreme outlier**. - The minimum, `\(Q_1\)`, `\(Q_2\)`, `\(Q_3\)` and maximum are known as the "**five-number summary**" of the data set. - The difference of maximum and minimum is called the **range**. --- ## Example: Median, IQR and Outliers Find the median, quartiles, IQR and outliers (if they exist) of the sample height of 15 trees. .center[ 70, 65, 63, 72, 81, 83, 66, 75, 80, 75, 79, 76, 76, 69, 75 ] -- **Solution:** - Sort the data set from small to large. .center[ 63, 65, 66, 69, 70, 72, 75, 75, 75, 76, 76, 79, 80, 81, 83 ] - Find the median `\(Q_2\)`. The sample size is 15. The middle of the ordered data set is the `\(\lceil 15/2 \rceil=8\)`-th number which is 75. - Find `\(Q_1\)` and `\(Q_3\)`. `\(Q_1\)` is the median of the numbers less than the median. `\(Q_3\)` is the median of the number greater than the median. In this example, `\(Q_1\)` is the 4-th number 69. `\(Q_3\)` is the 4-th to the last, that is 79. - `\(\text{IQR}=Q_3-Q_1=79-69=10\)`. - Since `\(Q_1-1.5\text{IQR}=69-1.5\cdot 10=54\)` and `\(Q_3+1.5\text{IQR}=79-1.5 \cdot 10=94\)`, there is no outlier in this sample. --- ## Practice: Five-number Summary, Range and IQR .embedwrap[ <iframe src="" width="100%" height="550px" data-external="1"></iframe> ] --- ## Box Plot - A **box plot** shows a "five-number summary" of the data set. It contains a box, two whiskers and dots (for outliers). - To create the boxplot for a distribution, - Draw a box from `\(Q_1\)` to `\(Q_3\)`. - Draw a vertical line in the box at the median. - Extend a tail from `\(Q_1\)` to the smallest value that is not an outlier and from `\(Q_3\)` to the largest value that is not an outlier. - Indicate outliers with a solid dot. --- ## Example: Box plot - ages of best oscar winners (1/2) Create the boxplot for the ages of 32 best actor oscar winners (1970–2001). .center[ 31, 32, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 37, 38, 38, 39, 40, 40, 40, 42, 42, 43, 43, 45, 45, 46, 47, 48, 48, 51, 55, 55, 56, 60, 60, 61, 76 ] -- **Solution:** We may use Excel to find the five-number summary. - The quartiles are `$$Q_2=42.5,\quad Q_1=37.5,\quad Q_3=49.5.$$` The interquartile range and the bounds for mild outliers are `$$\text{IQR}=12, \quad Q_1-1.5\text{IQR}= 19.5, \quad Q_3+1.5\text{IQR}=67.5.$$` - The smallest number that is not an outlier is 31. The largest number that is not an outlier is 61. Those two numbers bound the whiskers. - The number 76 is a mild outlier because `$$Q_3+1.5\text{IQR}< 76 < Q_3+3\text{IQR}.$$` --- ## Example: Box plot - ages of best oscar winners (2/2) **Solution: (continued)** - The boxplot is shown below. .center[ ] --- ## Practice: five-number summary from the boxplot <iframe src="" width="100%" height="550px" data-external="1"></iframe> --- class: center middle # Mean and Standard Deviation --- ## Notations and Calculations about Mean - Sigma notation: in math, we denote the sum of values `\(x_1\)`, `\(x_2\)`, `\(\dots\)`, `\(x_n\)` of a variable `\(x\)` by `\(\sum\limits_{i=1}^n x_i\)` or simply by `\(\sum x\)`. - The **population mean** is `\(\mu= \frac{\sum x}{N}\)`, where `\(N\)` is the **population size**, i.e the number of elements in the population. The notation `\(\mu\)` reads as mu. - The **sample mean** is `\(\bar{x}=\frac{\sum{x}}{n}\)`, where `\(n\)` is the **sample size**. The notation `\(\bar{x}\)` reads as `\(x\)`--bar. --- ## Example: Mean city mpg Find the mean city mpg for a sample of 10 cars. .center[ 18, 21, 20, 21, 16, 18, 18, 18, 16, 20 ] -- **Solution:** The mean is `$$\bar{x}=\frac{18+21+20+21+16+18+18+18+16+20}{10}=18.6.$$` The mean mpg of the 10 cars is 18.6 mpg. --- ## Weighted Mean - The weighted mean of a set of numbers `\(\{x_1, \dots, x_n\}\)` with weights `\(w_1\)`, `\(w_2\)`, ..., `\(w_n\)` is defined as `$$\frac{\sum w_ix_i}{\sum w_i}.$$` - The mean of a frequency table is weighted mean `\(\bar{x}=\frac{\sum f x}{n}\)`, where `\(x\)` is an element with frequency `\(f\)` and `\(n\)` is the sample size. --- ## Example: Course overall grade In a course, the overall grade is determined in the following way: the homework average counts for 10%, the quiz average counts for 10%, the test average counts 50% , and the final exam counts for 30%. What's the overall grade of the student who earned 92 on homework, 95 on quizzes, 90 on tests and 93 on the final. -- **Solution:** The overall grade is the weighted mean `$$\frac{\sum w_ix_i}{\sum w_i}=\frac{0.1\cdot 92+0.1\cdot 95+0.5\cdot 90+0.3\cdot 93}{0.1+0.1+0.5+0.3}=91.6.$$` ??? Show how to use Excel --- ## Practice: Mean petal width Find the average petal width for a sample of 10 iris followers. .center[ 0.2, 2.1, 0.2, 1.7, 2.3, 0.3, 1.2, 0.2, 1.8, 2.3 ] --- ## Practice: Calculate a mean using the weighted mean formula Find the mean from the dot plot of sepal length for a sample of 10 iris flowers. .center[ <img src="data:image/png;base64,#MA336-Week-3-Measure-Center-Spread_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" width="576" /> ] <!-- Practice: Estimate the mean from a histogram Estimate the average highway mpg using the histogram of a sample of 20 cars. .center[ <img src="data:image/png;base64,#MA336-Week-3-Measure-Center-Spread_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" width="576" /> ] --> --- ## Practice: Weighted mean - calculate final grade <div style="overflow: visible;"> <iframe src="" width="100%" height="550px" data-external="1"></iframe> </div> --- ## Measure of Variation about Population Mean - The **deviation** of an entry `\(x\)` in a population data set is the difference `\(x-\mu\)`, where `\(\mu\)` is the mean of the population. - The **population variance** of a population of `\(N\)` entries is defined as $$ \text{VAR.P}=\sigma^2=\dfrac{\sum(x-\mu)^2}{N}. $$ - The **population standard deviation** is $$ \text{STDEV.P}=\sigma=\sqrt{\dfrac{\sum(x-\mu)^2}{N}}. $$ --- ## Measure of Variation about Sample Mean - The **deviation** of an entry `\(x\)` in a sample data set is the difference `\(x-\bar{x}\)`, where `\(\bar{x}\)` is the mean of the sample. - The **sample variance** and **sample standard deviation** are defined similarly $$ \text{VAR.S}=s^2=\dfrac{\sum(x-\bar{x})^2}{n-1}, \qquad \text{STDEV.S}=s=\sqrt{\dfrac{\sum(x-\bar{x})^2}{n-1}}, $$ where `\(n\)` is the sample size. - **Rounding rule:** for mean, variance and standard deviation, we keep at least one more digit than the accuracy of the data set. **Note:** To measure the spread, one may also use the **mean absolute deviation** `$$MAD=\dfrac{\sum |x-\bar{x}|}{n}.$$` However, the standard deviation has better properties in applications. ??? Show how to use Excel to find SD --- ## Example: Standard deviation - ages of oscar winners Find the mean and standard deviation ages of a sample of 32 best actor oscar winners (1970–2001). .center[ 31, 32, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 37, 38, 38, 39, 40, 40, 40, 42, 42, 43, 43, 45, 45, 46, 47, 48, 48, 51, 55, 55, 56, 60, 60, 61, 76 ] -- **Solution:** We use the Excel functions `AVERAGE()` and `STDEV.S()` to find the mean and sample standard deviation respectively. The mean is 44.7. The sample standard deviation is 10.3. <iframe src="" width="100%" height="290px" data-external="1"></iframe> .footmark[ Source: ] --- ## Practice: Standard deviation A *sample* of GPAs from ten students random chosen from a college are recorded as follows. .center[1.90, 3.00, 2.53, 3.71, 2.12, 1.76, 2.71, 1.39, 4.00, 3.33] Find the standard deviation of this sample. --- ## Mean and Standard Deivation under Linear Transformation - When we increase values in a data set by a fixed number `\(c\)`, the standard deviation of a data set won't change. However, the mean increases by `\(c\)` too. - When we multiple values in a data set by a factor `\(k\)`, the mean and the standard deviation both scale by the factor `\(k\)`. <iframe src="" width="100%" height="300px" data-external="1"></iframe> .footmark[ Source: ] --- ## Effect of Changes of Data on Statistical Measures <iframe src="" width="100%" height="550px" data-external="1"></iframe> .footmark[ Source: ] --- ## Practice: Standard deviation under a transformation A sample of the highest temperature of 10 days has a standard deviation `\(5^\circ\mathrm{C}\)` in Celsius. 1. If we want to know the standard deviation in Fahrenheit, do we need to recalculate using the sample? 2. What is the standard deviation in Fahrenheit. --- ## The Empirical Rule If a data set has an **approximately bell-shaped** distribution, then 1. approximately 68% of the data lie within one standard deviation of the mean. 2. approximately 95% of the data lie within two standard deviations of the mean. 3. approximately 99.7% of the data lies within three standard deviations of the mean. .center[ ![:resize Empirical Rule, 35%](data:image/png;base64,#Figures/Empirical-Rule.jpg) ] .footmark[ Image source: [Figure 2.16 "The Empirical Rule" in Introductoray Statistics]( ] --- ## Chebyshev’s Theorem For any numerical data set, at least `\(1−1/k^2\)` of the data lie within `\(k\)` standard deviations of the mean, where `\(k\)` is any positive whole number that is at least 2. .center[ ![:resize Empirical Rule, 45%](data:image/png;base64,#Figures/Chebyshev.jpg) ] .footmark[ Image source: [Figure 2.19 "Chebyshev’s Theorem" in Introductoray Statistics]( ] --- ## Example: Applications of the Empirical Rule A population data set with a bell-shaped distribution has mean `\(\mu = 6\)` and standard deviation `\(\sigma = 2\)`. Find the approximate proportion of observations in the data set that lie: 1. between 4 and 8; 2. below 4. -- **Solution:** Apply the Empirical Rule, there are 68% of data lie between 6-2=4 and 6+2=8. Since the distribution is symmetric, then 34% of data lie between 4 and 6, and 34% of data lie between 6 and 8. Then there are only 50%-34%=26% of data lie below 4. --- ## Example: Applications of Chebyshev's Theorem A sample data set has mean `\(\bar{x}=6\)` and standard deviation `\(s = 2\)`. Find the minimum proportion of observations in the data set that must lie between 2 and 10. **Solution:** Apply Chebyshev's theorem, there are 75% of data are between `\(\bar{x}-2s=2\)` amd `\(\bar{x}+2s=10\)`. --- ## Practice: The empirical rule <iframe src="" width="100%" height="550px" data-external="1"></iframe> --- ## Practice: Chebyshev’s Theorem A sample data set has mean `\(\bar{x}=10\)` and standard deviation `\(s = 3\)`. Find the minimum proportion of observations in the data set that must lie between 1 and 19. .footmark[ Source: [2.5 The Empirical Rule and Chebyshev’s Theorem in Introductory Statistics]( ] --- class: center middle # More Practice --- ## Practice: Change of Measures on Transformation of Data A teacher decide to curve the final exam by adding 10 points for each student. Which of the following statistic will NOT change: A. median, B. mean, C. interquartile range, D. standard deviation? **Please explain your conclusion.** --- ## Practice: Understand Standard Deviation From Graphs Which distribution of data has the SMALLEST standard deviation? Please explain your conclusion. .center[ ![Distributions with different standard deviation](data:image/png;base64,#Figures/SD-Pic.png) ] --- class: center, middle # Lab Instruction in Excel --- ## Mean, Median, Quartiles and Standard Deviation - To find the median, you may use the function `MEDIAN()`. - To find quartiles, you may use the function `QUARTILE.EXC()`. **Note:** this function calculates first and third quartiles with 25% and 75% weights. The results may be different from the results calculated by hand discussed in this course. - To find the mean, you may use the function `AVERAGE()`. - To find the **population** standard deviation, you may use the function `STDEV.P()`. - To find the **sample** standard deviation, you may use the function `STDEV.S()`. --- ## How to Create a Boxplot in Excel - Select your data—either a single data series, or multiple data series. - Click `Insert` > `Insert Statistic Chart` > `Box and Whisker` to create a boxplot. For more information, see [Create a box and whisker chart in Excel 365]( --- ## Lab Practice Consider the following sample that consists of speeds of 20 cars. .center[ 19, 4, 17, 22, 23, 8, 20, 19, 10, 10, 13, 13, 15, 12, 20, 14, 9, 20, 12, 11 ] 1. Use Excel to find the mean, median, quartiles and standard deviation of the sample. 2. Create a box-plot for the sample.